Condo Pest Control Responsibility

Condominium Pest Control Responsibilities

Who is responsible for Pest Control in Condominiums?

Who is responsible for pest control in condominiums, will depends on the source of the pest. If the pest is outside the condo unit such as wildlife like skunks or other critters that might have dough a hole in the yard, then it’s the responsibility of the condo association to hire an exterminator. The grey area comes about when pests enter the interior of the condo unit. If the pest entered the condo unit as a result of a construction defect in any items that are part of the General Common Elements – which are generally things like – The exterior of the condo building, entry point into the unit of the electrical meter, gas meter, telephone meter, water system and point of connection into the unit for both the sanitary and storm sewer and the irrigation system, then this is the responsibility of the condo association.

In addition, if insects or critters enter a condo unit through the attics, roof, foundation, and flues, these would also be the responsibility of the Homeowners Association, if again these places have defects due to the construction of the unit that allows pest and critters to enter the unit.

This then raises the question as to when pest control is the responsibility of you the unit owners. The simple answer is that when pests get access to the interior of the unit through the Limited common elements. These are the items that are typically the responsibility of the unit owner such as Windows, Doors, Decks and Porches, etc.

Due to the many grey areas, it is easy to get confused as to when getting an exterminator is your responsibility or the responsibility of the HOA. The best thing to do is to consult your Condo board or Maintenance manager if you happen to have one and let them know of your pest infestation issue. They might send an exterminator who will perform an inspection and determine the source of the infestation which will help clear out whose responsibility it will be, or they might as you to find a pest control company near you and they will pay for the extermination service

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